Toronto Oasis is a community of compassion and reason that seeks to create a safe and welcoming environment for freethinkers to celebrate the human experience in a positive way. We are grateful to all who participate in the activities of our community and contribute towards its variety of functions. This Code is intended to promote ethical conduct and define the expectations for participation in order to foster the healthy administration of our community. Toronto Oasis welcomes all who embrace our Core Values, and abide by this Code of Conduct.
II. Core Values
At Toronto Oasis, we think:
- People are more important than beliefs.
- Only human hands solve human problems.
- Reality is known through reason.
- Meaning comes from making a difference.
- Be accepting and be accepted.
III. Scope
This policy applies to all participants who attend Toronto Oasis, including organizers who facilitate events and directors who oversee the organization’s administration.
IV. Rules and Expectations
A. Harassment
Toronto Oasis strives for a community of ethical conduct where people are treated with kindness and compassion. To protect the community and promote a positive experience, Toronto Oasis prohibits harassment, including, but not limited to, physical violent behavior, sexual harassment, name-calling, abusive language, insinuation, innuendo, and bullying of any kind.
B. Discrimination
Toronto Oasis seeks to create a welcoming environment where diversity is valued. Therefore, Toronto Oasis prohibits discrimination, including, but not limited to, race, national origin, citizenship, gender, gender identity, gender presentation, sexual orientation, body size, appearance, disability, age, pregnancy, or religion.
C. Disruptive Behavior
It is important to Toronto Oasis that its events are safe and participants are comfortable. Any generally disruptive behavior that causes concern, discomfort, or mental anguish to participants, or distracts the organization from its activities is prohibited. This includes misuse or mistreatment of Toronto Oasis property or the property of any venue hosting Toronto Oasis events.
D. Illegal Activity
Toronto Oasis abides by all local, state, and federal laws and reserves the right to notify the appropriate law enforcement authorities of any potential violations of law.
E. The Board of Directors reserves the right to prohibit any other behavior it deems inappropriate or disruptive.
V. Reporting Violations
If you have observed any violations of this policy, even if prohibited conduct is not directed at you, please notify the Board of Directors immediately. The Board can be reached at
VI. Determination of a Rules Violation
Determination of a rules violation will be at the sole discretion of the Board of Directors. At events when a Board Member is not present, the organizers/hosts have authority to enforce this policy.
VII. Adjudication
In the event of a policy violation, the following actions may be taken:
1. Warn the participant
2. Ask the participant to leave the event
3. Exclude the participant from future Oasis events
Violators will be appropriately notified. In order to ensure the safety of Toronto Oasis events, law enforcement will be notified of violators who do not comply with adjudication and cause disruption to our events.
Thank you for taking the time to review this Code of Conduct. It is important to Toronto Oasis that participants have a safe and positive experience. Defining these expectations and encouraging ethical conduct ensures that Toronto Oasis will always be a healthy community of compassion and reason.