Sunday Sept 17 – Get Woke and Stay Awake with Joe Fiorito!

Community Responsibility in Times of Crisis

This week at Oasis, Jo Fiorito will be discussing with us the need to overcome social isolation in order to deal with the crises of drugs, homelessness and the worst of social media.

Joe Fiorito  is a journalist  who wrote columns about social justice issues for the Montreal Gazette, The Globe&Mail, The National Post and the Toronto Star newspapers. He won the National Newspaper Award for Columns in 1995; the Brassani Prize for Short Fiction in 2000; and the City of Toronto Book Award in 2003.

He is the author of seven books:

• Comfort Me With Apples (collection of columns)
• Tango On The Main (collection of columns)
• The Closer We Are To Dying (memoir)
• The Song Beneath The Ice (novel)
• Union Station (non-fiction)
• Rust Is A Form Of Fire (non-fiction)

His most recent book, The Life Crimes and Hard Times of Ricky Atkinson, Leader of the Dirty Tricks Gang, has just been published.

He is married, lives in Toronto and is currently at work on his first collection of poetry.

And returning to the Oasis stage – Dan Guiry!

Dan Guiry is a Toronto based singer songwriter from Calgary.  He combines soulful melodies with a raw emotional range. His album Max Phoenix Knifecity can be found on Itunes and heard on XM radio.

Sunday Sept. 10: Time Leadership – Doing the important and eliminating the rest

This week, George Oliver will be giving a workshop on Time Leadership.  We are happy to let you know we are welcoming back Erik Bleich to fill some precious moments with music.  And one more timely announcement – don’t miss our new start time of 10:30 AM in the  Main Activity Hall on the second floor!

Contrary to popular perception and the titles of an endless number of books, time can’t be managed. Because we lead chaotic lives in a chaotic world, time can only be led.  In this workshop, you will learn and PRACTICE:

  • How to develop a personal Credo that you will use to guide how you schedule and spend your time.  (“Time is life”).
  • How to create your weekly personal calendar so that is in alignment with your values and priorities
  • How to free up time so as to reduce stress, get rid of things that are time-wasters and position yourself to be able to react to the inevitable unplanned demand on your time that will always be part of your life. (Remember: Time can’t be managed). Warning: Freeing up time requires discipline, ‘backbone’ and the ability to say “no”.  We’ll talk about how to say ‘no’ a lot.

Techniques, concepts, quotations and tools relating to time will be shared throughout the workshop.

NOTE: In addition to your brain, please bring some paper to write on and come prepared to share the difficulties you have with time (e.g., “never have enough time”).  As part of the presentation, we will discuss time-related issues and challenges identified by the attendees.  You will leave with practical ideas, concepts and methods to – if applied – enable you to spend MORE time on things that contribute to having a meaningful life.”

George Oliver is a man of many talents, careers and interest. He has an MBA from Queens, but as a life long learner (having just completed a Non-Profit Management Program from Ryerson) he continues to study when many of his class mates are contemplating retirement.  George has worked as a trainer with many clients, and owns and operates his own  small management consulting company called “Blinding Glimpse of the Obvious”.  His energy and positivity is infectious, so be prepared for a highly interactive, fast paced program that will be well worth your time!

Erik Bleich is a northwestern Ontario ex-pat living in Toronto, singer/songwriter Erik Bleich gives us everything from street lit lullabies to manic, rambling romps. It’s his vision of folk music for the Internet Age!

Sunday Gathering – Top Ten World Issues More Important that Trump

This Sunday August 27th Toronto Oasis is pleased to have Charles Richard Christopher Hope (Chris) lead us in a discussion exploring the top ten world issues more important than Trump.

Its easy to get caught up in the media frenzy of one story and lose sight of all the other issues facing our world today.  Chris will lead us through a discussion on what we think are the most pressing world issues, followed by a review of what a number of publications have noted as critical issues facing the world.

We will meet as usual in the Koffler Centre at the University of Toronto at 11am, in the 2nd floor space beside the elevator. Please RSVP on our Meetup page for the event at

Advance Notice: For Sunday September 3rd, the plan is for us all to go join with the other Oasis Network member in Toronto, West Hill United Church, for their non-theist service and the “Visitors and Travelers Lunch” afterwards – 10:30am at 62 Orchard Park Drive (corner with Kingston Road) in Scarborough.

Sun Aug 20 – Discussion on Godless Faith

This week Toronto Oasis is pleased to have Brett Matthews tell his own story of godless faith, followed by a general discussion.

We know that there is meditation without religion. Is there also room for a godless faith?

Is there a difference to you, between faith and belief? faith and hope? 
Do you have faith? If so, what sort? Why?

Is faith a useful spiritual practice for you?

Please RSVP on the Meetup page for this event,

Contributing to Oasis

Like all organizations, it takes money to keep Toronto Oasis running! (Volunteering is also extremely helpful.) Expenses include room rentals, honorariums to musicians when we have them, and some web expenses.

We welcome donations at each Sunday event, and can even take them by credit card with the Square app on one of the leadership group’s cell phones.

You can also sign up for monthly donations to Toronto Oasis on Patreon. Go to, then sign up to “BECOME A PATRON”. Please note that donations via Patreon are in US$. We can also set up monthly donations with the Square app.

Our thanks for any contributions of time or money!

Toronto Oasis is not currently a charitable organization, so you can’t claim these donations as tax deductions, but we are hoping to become a registered charity in the future.

Welcome to Toronto Oasis

Toronto Oasis is a community that meets regularly to create a place for freethinkers to celebrate the human experience. Each week we gather to discuss real-world principles based on reason, not tradition, which are supported by evidence, not scripture or revelation. Launching in February 2016, Toronto Oasis is fundamentally different from a church; we could be described as a freethought oasis, where we welcome all people who want to be part of a community exploring life through reason.

We are guided by core values which define our community. They shape our interactions with each other, society, and the world.
  • People are more important than beliefs.

  • Reality is known through reason.

  • Meaning comes from making a difference.

  • Human hands solve human problems.

  • Be accepting and be accepted.

Everyone is on their own journey–Agnostic, Atheist, Secular Humanist, or Questioning Christian, Muslim, Jewish, or Hindu–we look to provide a community that accepts you as you are on your journey: as long as you accept others for where they are on their journey. We aspire to be a community where people come together, celebrate the human experience, and not let faith get in the way.

Toronto Oasis meets every Sunday at 10:30 am. The community gets together to enjoy coffee, live music, and to learn something new about the world, to draw strength from the power of human community, and to engage in service projects for the betterment of the human condition. Our hope is that you leave each Sunday with a desire to reflect or make a positive change within yourself or the community at large. We invite you to join us to make new meaning in life by making a difference and doing great things.

“Regardless of theological orientation, there is some kind of deeply ingrained basic human need for community. Homo sapiens are a tribal species that need support from others; that cannot be denied.”

– Mike Aus, Executive Director, Houston Oasis

Sunday Gathering – Discussion on Religious Accommodation

This week Toronto Oasis is pleased to have our own Tania Akon lead a group discussion on religious accommodation.  So please bring your thoughts, stories and inquisitive open minds!  (Also please feel free to bring snacks!  Coffee and tea will be provided.)

As usual, we are meeting at the Multifaith Centre at the University of Toronto, 569 Spadina Ave., in our summer room: the 2nd floor multipurpose room beside the elevator.

Sunday Gathering – Oasis Brunch

This week we will meet for brunch and discussion at the Bedford Academy, 36 Prince Arthur Ave.

We will meet at the restaurant, so please go directly there (take the Bedford exit from St. George Station, if you are coming by TTC). The reservation is under “Oasis”. Please RSVP on our Meetup page for it,, so we can be sure of the numbers!

Looking forward to some more lively conversation and the chance to get to know each other better.

Sunday July 30: To Tell the Truth

This week Dan will facilitate a group discussion with these questions: When and why do we tell the truth, tell partial truths or “little white lies”, or lie outright? When are those decisions difficult for us? Are we concerned about lack of truthfulness in society, and what, if anything, can we do about it?

We are meeting in the 2nd Floor Multipurpose Room of Koffler House, 569 Spadina Ave.

July 23 – Hopefulness

The theme of this week’s meeting is Hopefulness. The world can seem like it’s slipping backward at times, but there are many reasons for hope, and progress continues to be made in many ways. It’s good to focus on hope from time to time.
We will show a TED Talk, one with a very hopeful message, and we will follow it with a group discussion about our own reasons for hope.  Please bring any personal examples, and any evidence you have that the world is getting better. Active participation is encouraged but not required, you are welcome to come and listen.
We will be meeting as usual at Koffler House, 569 Spadina Ave.
The meeting is in our summer location, the 2nd Floor Multipurpose Room beside the elevator.