Helen Jefferson Lenskyj, Professor Emerita, University of Toronto, where she taught sociology. Her work as a researcher and activist on gender and sport issues began in the 1980s, and her critique of the Olympic industry include: Inside the Olympic Industry; Olympic Industry Resistance; Gender, Athletes Rights, and the Court of Arbitration for Sport; and released earlier this year, her most recent book The Olympic Games: A Critical Approach.
Helen grew up in Australia and has lived in Toronto since 1966. She completed her Ph.D. at the University of Toronto in 1983, and was a professor from 1986 until retiring in 2007. As well as writing books, she enjoys swimming and kayaking. Her website is www.helenlenskyj.ca
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/helenje63185798
- Sunday September 10th – [Online] Feminist Groundbreakers, Troublemakers, or Both?
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- Sun Aug 16 – [Online] Life, Death, Autism and Comedy
- Sun May 24 – [Online] Sex, Gender & the Olympic Industry – Implications for LGBT Sport
- Sun Apr 05 – [Online] The Olympic Games: A Critical Approach