Our event starts at 11 am on the 2nd floor of the Koffler House (569 Spadina Avenue). Come early for coffee and conversation at 10:30 am.

This Sunday we will have a discussion on the drawing of legal, moral, and social lines with respect to speech and criticism of religion in a free and democratic society. Our featured speaker on this topic will be Sandy Donaldson. Sandy is a labour lawyer in Toronto, specializing in human rights for a large provincial union. He is a co-founder of the Atheist Community of Toronto meetup group and co-hosted the “Salmon of Doubt” atheist podcast.

Our featured musicians will be Emilyn Stam and John Williams. Emilyn and John merge the melodic voices of violin and clarinet, creating a modern sound steeped in tradition. Not limited to original music, their repertoire often has a strong connection to traditional dance, and explores a wide palette of sound through various combinations of violin, clarinet, accordion, harmonica and piano. They first started playing music together as members of the Lemon Bucket Orkestra. Currently John also leads the 6-piece old-time jazz band The Boxcar Boys and Emilyn tours with Italian diatonic accordion virtuoso Filippo Gambetta. Their website is https://emilynandjohn.com/
You can RSVP for this on our Meetup page at: