Sun Jun 7th: Our Livable World: Creating the Clean Earth of Tomorrow

This will be an online Zoom meeting. Please RSVP on our Meetup for this event to get access to the Zoom link.  See our online meeting instructions at:

Our program will run from 11 am to 12:30 pm but you can join in to the meeting starting at 10:45 am. Volunteers please join by 10:30am.

Featured Speaker: Marc Schaus

Climate change is the existential threat of our time, but incredible new advancements in science and engineering can still allow us to avoid the worst repercussions of global warming as we work to reverse it over time. Scientists of even ten years ago would not have imagined that in 2020 we would already have solar panels capable of producing clean drinking water for one’s home while simultaneously producing power. Or that labs would be capable of generating jet fuel from landfill trash. We could not have predicted that “smart highways” designed to charge electric vehicles as they drive would be in trial testing. Or, for that matter, the existence of indoor vertical farms managed by hyper-efficient artificial intelligence reducing water use by up to 90 percent and growing crops entirely without pesticides. Join our featured speaker, Marc Schaus, in exploring the new and upcoming innovations in green technology poised to prevent the climate apocalypse―and usher in a sustainable, livable world.

Cover photo of Marc Schaus’ upcoming book: Our Livable World

Marc Schaus is a professional research specialist and science writer. He is the author of Post Secular: Science, Humanism and the Future of Faith, and has written articles that have appeared in Areo Magazine, Free Inquiry Magazine, The Huffington PostPatheos, and the academic journal Antennae. His new work Our Livable World: Creating the Clean Earth of Tomorrow will be out in October through Diversion Books. He currently resides in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada.

Please RSVP on meetup:

Looking forward to seeing familiar faces and perhaps some new ones!