Our event starts at 11 am on the 2nd floor of the Koffler House (569 Spadina Avenue). Come early for coffee and conversation at 10:30 am.

Our featured speaker this Sunday will be Phil Cheney. Phil ‘Philosofree’ Cheney is awed by the Cosmos, and excited about human potential. He is a renaissance man who appreciates life, having worked in over 55 countries, including as a university lecturer in his native Australia, Trade leader in Thailand, Government budget consultant in Papua New Guinea, software distributor in Zimbabwe, marketer in Germany, Building Construction in China, farm exporting in Japan and author in his current home in Toronto.
Philosofree is a mystic who is curious about integrating science and the metaphysical. He has published 8 books, 5 CDs of original music and won awards for software design and clinical practice in medicine. His education background includes degrees in Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology. Phil prioritizes his wife, daughters and grandchildren, and loves to sing and dance with them.
Phil’s talk at Toronto Oasis will be a personal recounting of his own journey both with pride and humility. He will talk about how authenticity is acting consistently with who we are, but who we are is balancing between YIN and YANG. Phil will talk about how our spiritual journey requires an understanding of energy and its role in our life. He will also touch upon the mystery of mind, some questions and ideas, all pointing towards holistic unity. This should make for an interesting Q&A session with our community comprising of many atheists, naturalists and skeptics! We look forward to a respectful dialogue and discussion that promotes mutual understanding between skeptics and the more spiritually inclined.
Our featured musicians will be Steven Karst and Cassie Norton. They will be leading us in secular sing-alongs! Steven comes from a musical family and was classically trained in piano and bass trombone. He learned guitar from his dad and picked up bass guitar at age 35. His tastes and musical experience cover a wide spectrum of genres from classical and opera to heavy metal and classic rock. His varied tastes have given him the opportunity to tour internationally and play in a variety of venues from churches to dive bars.

Having led congregational singing in a religious space, Steven began to wonder how it would work in a secular environment. With the support of Cassie Norton and the Oasis leadership team and those who made song requests, Steven has put together a few enjoyable songs that are easy to sing and hopefully create a memorable experience.

Steven will be joined by Cassie Norton, the music director of Toronto Oasis and a Toronto-based singer-songwriter. She is a classically trained violinist/folk leaning tunesmith with a punk rock heart. She has recorded two full length albums, Little Strength (2009) and Quiet Wilderness (2010). She teaches a variety of private and ensemble classes at Regent Park School of Music, and at her private studio. Check out her website: www.cassienorton.com
You can RSVP for this on our Meetup page at https://www.meetup.com/Toronto-Oasis/events/jdmkqqyzfbfb/