Our event starts at 11 am on the 2nd floor of the Koffler House (569 Spadina Avenue). Come early for coffee and conversation at 10:30 am.
This Sunday our featured speaker, Catherine Francis, will take a retrospective look at the treatment of sexual assault cases in Canada’s criminal justice system, the Jian Ghomeshi trial and the rise and influence of the “me too” movement.

Catherine Francis holds Bachelor of Arts (1981) and Bachelor of Law (1985) degrees from the University of Toronto and was called to the Ontario Bar in 1987. Catherine is a long-time partner at Minden Gross LLP, a mid-sized downtown Toronto law firm, practicing principally in the areas of commercial and insolvency litigation. Catherine was raised in a secular household with a strong belief in equality rights and is keenly interested in legal issues affecting the interests of non-believers and the separation of Church and State. Her website is: https://www.mindengross.com/our-people/details/catherine-francis

Our musical guest this Sunday will be Sam Tudor. Sam’s 2014 album ‘The Modern New Year’ got tucked into the airwaves of campus radio stations across the country, quietly earning him the beginnings of a cult following for his lo-fi pop music. Most recently, Sam released the album Quotidian Dream, a quiet collection of idiosyncratic folk songs which became a critical hit in Western Canada and beyond. Sam’s songs are soft spoken and clear, poignant and thoughtful. His webpage is https://samtudor.bandcamp.com.
You can RSVP for this on our Meetup page at: