Our event starts at 11 am on the 2nd floor of the Koffler House (569 Spadina Avenue). Social 10:45am – 11:00am.

This will be a conversation sparked by MLK when he said, “Power without love is reckless and abusive. Love without power is sentimental and anemic.” How do we struggle with and then resolve these two primal forces, of power and love? How do we hold the paradox of both in our most intimate relationships, as well as in global and local politics? That is the question our featured speaker, David Jurasek, will pose, offering possibilities and concrete examples, as we all wrestle with the question, as a group together.
David Jurasek is a father, a leader, a Sensei and a therapist who is passionate about growing communities which empower diverse people to thrive. You can find out about all of his adventures and creative outpourings here: www.davidjurasek.com

Our guest musician will be Amateur. Amateur is the solo project of self-teaching composer and accordionist Tristan Murphy. The title “Amateur” is both a disclaimer and a mission statement: a confession that he does not have formal training or a depth of cultural lore, nor any professional comprehension of genre or trend; but also a reminder that it does not matter, and that music can be made in a way that is explorative, for its own enjoyment, without striving toward or against existing musical standards. A link to Amateur: https://www.facebook.com/anamateur/
You can RSVP for this on our Meetup page at: