Our event starts at 11 am on the 2nd floor of the Koffler House (569 Spadina Avenue). Social 10:45am – 11:00am.
With increasing freedom from tradition and religion and the ability of women to attain financial independence, many of us can now make up our own unique relationship models for ourselves. We may choose to stay single for longer (or forever), create a family or not, be in a monogamous relationship or a polyamorous one. With all the possibilities out there, how can we know what is the right model for ourselves?
With the traditional ways, there were seeming deadlines and a sense of certainty and urgency – marriage by a certain age so that there is time to plan for having children and raising a family. Moreover, families used to stay together no matter what – even if relationships were abusive. Leaving a relationship was not always an option. Living in more progressive times and places, with less stigma associated with being single, separated or divorced, leaving a relationship is an option. Any relationship with a human is bound to hit rough patches. If leaving is an option, how do we know when to work things out and when to call it quits?
With greater freedom to choose our relationships comes the need to know more about relationships so we can make the right, informed decisions for ourselves. How does a healthy relationship look like? What are some of the common pitfalls we should watch out for in our relationships?

Our featured speaker, Laval Martin, will share some of his insights and lead us in a discussion on this topic. Laval Martin is a corporate trainer on topics such as resilience, conflict resolution, emotional intelligence, and mindfulness (lavalmartinconsulting.com). Holding a Master of Social Work degree, he also provides psychotherapy and relationship therapy (wisemindtoronto.com). Additionally, Laval has practiced various martial arts and self-defence systems since 2001, with a focus on avoiding and de-escalating conflict. He is a full-instructor of Senshido and also holds an instructor certification with Safe International. Laval has been hosting a monthly Beer and Philosophy Night for over four years.

Our guest musician will be Elizabeth Block. Her business card describes her songs as political, satirical, sentimental, and environmental. Elizabeth was a choral singer, and a church soloist, for decades, a folksinger since she joined Toronto Folk Song Circle in the 1980s. She learned to play the guitar, not well, but well enough to accompany herself and other people. She knows a lot of songs, has sometimes written new words to old songs, or new versions of them. She hasn’t written an entire song, but there’s still time. She is also a potter, check out: www.elizabethblockpottery. com.
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