Sunday February 23rd, 2025 – [Online] Grammar, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Language Variation

This will be an online Zoom meeting.  See our online meeting instructions at:  Our program will run from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. You can join the meeting starting at 10:45 am for our open social.

Our featured speaker will be Lola Bradford, a Toronto Oasis participant.  She has a Master’s degree in linguistics from the University of Toronto and is currently a PhD candidate in linguistics at McGill.  Lola will explain how taking a linguist’s perspective on language shows us that language is beautiful in all its forms, including “incorrect” ones.  Things that seem chaotic and lawless have wonderful patterns you can even find yourself.

Please RSVP on the Meetup event page to get access to the Zoom link:

By participating in this event, you agree to abide by the Toronto Oasis Code of Conduct (

Looking forward to seeing familiar faces and perhaps some new ones!

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