Sunday November 6th – [Online] MAID and Mature Minors

This will be an online Zoom meeting. Please RSVP on our Meetup for this event to get access to the Zoom link. See our online meeting instructions at:

Our program will run from 11 am to 12:30 pm and you can join in to the meeting starting at 10:45 am for our open social. Followed by an extended discussion for a half hour. Volunteers please join by 10:30 am.

MAID (Medical Assistance in Dying) aka Physician Assisted Suicide is legal in Canada, for eligible adults. Three population restrictions, however apply. People below the age of 18, those with a mental health diagnosis as a primary condition and those who lose capacity to consent are not eligible currently. The government is required by, court order, to address these issues by Spring 2023. These issues will be explored at a high level so as to create an environment for discussion.

Our featured speaker on this topic will be Tim Mt. Pleasant. Tim is a First Nations member of the LGBTQ2S+ and Disabled community from Six Nations of the Grand River First Nation; he has recently completed his Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and is working on completing his Master of Philosophy degree with a concentration in Bioethics. His experience comes from work in the Long-Term Care (10 years), Mental Health/Addictions sectors (8 years) and Ontario Public Service. In addition, Tim completed a placement in the Bioethics program at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre / University Health Network in Toronto, ON.

Tim is currently in the 2nd year of his trek through the MA: Philosophy (Bioethics) – Thesis program at McGill University.

This Sunday we will also be having live music!! Our featured musician will be Reenie Perkovic. Reenie is a queer folk-pop artist. With a soulful edge, she composes heartfelt songs that are both fun and introspective. Infusing her classical background with jazz harmony, folk rhythms, and pop sensibilities, Reenie and her guitar weave together stories of the human condition, connection, and social justice.

Please RSVP on meetup to get access to the Zoom link:

Looking forward to seeing familiar faces and perhaps some new ones!