Sun May 17 – [Online] Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) 2020 – Postponed, new date TBD

Unfortunately, our speaker, Tim Mt. Pleasant, is not able to do his talk today.

We will still have our Toronto Oasis Zoom meeting at our usual time, but without the speaker parts.  You are all welcome to join us.

As an alternative, Gretta Vosper has provided us with the links to West Hill United’s Sunday Zoom meeting.  They are “Working on a personal “Tree of Life” meditation”.  It would be interesting to find out what that means.  Their meeting starts at 10:30 am.  Here is the information provided by Gretta on how to join their meeting:


Joining our Zoom gatherings/meetings via the internet:If you do not have the Zoom app downloaded onto your phone, tablet, or computer, you simply click on the meeting link and you will be prompted to download the Zoom app. Once you have done that you will be automatically joined to the meeting. The meeting link for each of our meetings is the same link each week:

Sunday Gatherings, 10:30 EDT:

If you already have the Zoom app on your phone, tablet, or computer, open the app and join the meeting:

Sunday Gatherings, 10:30 EDT: Meeting ID 370-030-792


Here is the call in information for our Zoom gatherings.

  • If you are in the TORONTO area, dial in to one of these numbers: 647-374-4685 or 647-558-0588.
  • If you are NOT IN THE TORONTO area or calling internationally, 
    you may find a local number which will allow you 
    to call in by telephone without long distance charges here.

Once connected, you will be asked to enter a meeting ID followed by pound – the Number sign # These are the meeting IDs; they are the same each week

Sunday Gathering – 370-030-792 Thursday Morning Coffee! – 561-906-918

Dial the local Zoom telephone number, when asked, enter the Meeting ID number followed by #. You will then be in the meeting or gathering.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

The Toronto Oasis meeting today (without a speaker) will be an online Zoom meeting. Please review our online meeting instructions at:

Our program will run from 11 am to around 12 pm but you can join in to the meeting starting at 10:45 am. Volunteers please join by 10:30am.

You can RSVP for this on our Meetup page at: